Citing hyppoΒΆ
If you use hyppo in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations to the following paper (APA below):
Sambit Panda, Satish Palaniappan, Junhao Xiong, Eric W. Bridgeford, Ronak Mehta, Cencheng Shen, & Joshua T. Vogelstein. (2020). hyppo: A Comprehensive Multivariate Hypothesis Testing Python Package.
Bibtex entry:
@misc{panda2020hyppo, title={hyppo: A Comprehensive Multivariate Hypothesis Testing Python Package}, author={Sambit Panda and Satish Palaniappan and Junhao Xiong and Eric W. Bridgeford and Ronak Mehta and Cencheng Shen and Joshua T. Vogelstein}, year={2020}, eprint={1907.02088}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={stat.CO} }